Automating Cisco Router Configuration Backup to TFTP Server with Python

Automating Cisco Router Configuration Backup to TFTP Server with Python


In the realm of network management, ensuring the security and accessibility of configurations is paramount. This Python script, powered by the Paramiko library, provides a seamless solution to automate the backup of a Cisco router’s running configuration to a TFTP server. Let’s delve into the script’s functionality and understand how it simplifies a critical aspect of network administration.

Script Overview:

# Import the Paramiko library for SSH communication
import paramiko
import time

def cisco_copy_running_config(hostname, username, password, enable_password):
    # Hardcoded TFTP server and filename
    tftp_server = ""
    tftp_filename = "demo_backup_config.txt"

    # Create an SSH client
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()

        # Connect to the router using provided credentials
        ssh.connect(hostname, username=username, password=password, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False)

        # Create a shell channel for interaction
        channel = ssh.invoke_shell()

        # Wait for the prompt after connecting
        output = channel.recv(65535).decode('utf-8')

        # Check if login was successful by looking for '#' or '>'
        if '#' in output or '>' in output:
            # Send the 'enable' command to enter privileged mode

            # Send the enable password
            channel.send(enable_password + "\n")

            # Check if the prompt indicates successful enable mode
            enable_output = channel.recv(65535).decode('utf-8')

            # Check if '#' is present in enable mode prompt
            if '#' in enable_output:
                print("Login successful! Entered privilege mode.")

                # Copy running config to TFTP server
                channel.send(f"copy running-config tftp://{tftp_server}/{tftp_filename}\n")
                time.sleep(1)  # Adjust the sleep time as needed

                time.sleep(1)  # Adjust the sleep time as needed                

                time.sleep(1)  # Adjust the sleep time as needed                

                # Check if the copy was successful
                copy_output = channel.recv(65535).decode('utf-8')

                print("Enable mode failed!")
                print("Login failed!")

            print("Login failed!")

        # Close the SSH connection

    except Exception as e:
        # Handle exceptions and print an error message
        print(f"Error: {e}")
        print("Copy failed!")

# Entry point of the script
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Replace these values with your router's information
    router_hostname = ""
    router_username = "cisco"
    router_password = "cisco@123"
    router_enable_password = "cisco@123"

    # Call the function to copy running config to TFTP server
    cisco_copy_running_config(router_hostname, router_username, router_password, router_enable_password)


Script Explanation:

  1. SSH Connection and Login: The script establishes an SSH connection to the Cisco router, logs in, and enters privileged mode.
  2. Copy to TFTP Server: It copies the running configuration to a TFTP server, enhancing configuration backup and security.
  3. Enhanced Flexibility: While certain parameters are hardcoded for demonstration, the script offers flexibility for customization based on specific network configurations.

Conclusion: This Python script showcases the power of automation in network management. By effortlessly copying a Cisco router’s running configuration to a TFTP server, it adds a layer of resilience to your network infrastructure. Explore, modify, and integrate this script to suit your network’s unique requirements and elevate your network administration capabilities.


Here is the YouTube Video:


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