Cisco Time of Day Call Routing CUCM

Cisco Time of Day Call Routing CUCM

Time of Day Call Routing in Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM) is design to route calls based on the time of day or day of week or month. It can be designed and configured in such a way that the calls are handled during business hours and outside business hours in an efficient manner.

For Example –

Business Hours –  8:00 Hours – 18:00 Hours, the calls to the board line number 12341000 to be routed to the Receptionist (Mon – Sat)

Outside Business Hours – 18:00 Hours to 24:00 Hours and 24:00 Hours to 8:00 Hours (Mon – Sat)

Holiday – 00:00 Hours to 24:00 Hours (Sunday)

So, if a call is comes in for Receptionist 12341000 during business hours, the call will be routed to Receptionist else the call will be routed to Security Office.


  1. Login to Cisco Unified Communication Manager.

Create Time Period
Working Hours – 08:00 – 18:00 Hours

  1. Go to Call Routing > Class of Control > Time Period
  2. Name > Working Hours
  3. Description > Time Period for Working Hours
    • Time of Day Start > 08:00
    • Time of Day End > 18:00
  4. Repeat Every Week from > Mon through Sat
  5. Save the Configuration

Outside Office Hours (OOH) – 18:00 – 24:00 Hours

  1. Name > OOH_Hours_1800_2400
  2. Description > Time Period for Outside Hours
    • Time of Day Start > 18:00
    • Time of Day End > 24:00
  3. Repeat Every Week from > Mon through Sat
  4. Save the Configuration

Outside Office Hours (OOH) – 00:00 – 08:00 Hours

  1. Name > OOH_Hours_0000_0800
  2. Description > Time Period for Outside Hours
    • Time of Day Start > 00:00
    • Time of Day End > 08:00
  3. Repeat Every Week from > Mon through Sat
  4. Save the Configuration

Outside Office Hours (OOH) – 00:00 – 24:00 Hours – Sunday

  1. Name > OOH_Hours_0000_2400_Sunday
  2. Description > Time Period for Outside Hours on Sunday
    • Time of Day Start > 00:00
    • Time of Day End > 24:00
  3. Repeat Every Week from > Sun through Sun
  4. Save the Configuration

Create Time Schedule
Working Hours Schedule

  1. Go to Call Routing > Class of Control > Time Schedule
  2. Name > Working_Hours_Schedule
  3. Description > Time Schedule for Working Hours
  4. Selected Time Periods > Working Hours
  5. Save

Non-Working Hours Schedule

  1. Name > Non_Working_Hours_Schedule
  2. Description > Time Schedule for Non Working Hours
  3. Selected Time Periods > OOH_Hours_1800_2400, OOH_Hours_0000_0800 and OOH_Hours_0000_2400_Sunday
  4. Save

Create Partitions
Creating Working Hours Partition

  1. Create a Partition > Name > Working_Hours_PRT
  2. Description > Partition for Working Hours
  3. Time Schedule > Working_Hours_Schedule
  4. Save

Creating Non Working Hours Partition

  1. Create a Partition > Name > Non_Working_Hours_PRT
  2. Description > Partition for Non Working Hours
  3. Time Schedule > Non_Working_Hours_Schedule
  4. Save

Creating Line Group
Creating a Line Group for Working Hours

  1. Go to Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Line Group
  2. Line Group Name > Working_Hours_LineGroup
  3. Selected DN/Route Partition  > Select Receptionist’s Number
  4. Save

Creating a Line Group for Non Working Hours

  1. Line Group Name > Non_Working_Hours_LineGroup
  2. Selected DN/Route Partition  > Select Security Office’s Number
  3. Save

Creating Hunt List
Creating a Hunt List for Working Hours

  1. Go to Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Hunt List
  2. Name > Working_Hours_HuntList
  3. Check Mark > Enable this Hunt List (change effective on Save; no reset required)
  4. Add Line Group > Working_Hours_LineGroup
  5. Save

Creating a Hunt List for Non Working Hours

  1. Go to Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Hunt List
  2. Name > Non_Working_Hours_HuntList
  3. Check Mark > Enable this Hunt List (change effective on Save; no reset required)
  4. Add Line Group > Non_Working_Hours_LineGroup
  5. Save

Creating Hunt Pilot
Creating a Hunt Pilot for Working Hours

  1. Go to Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Hunt Pilot
  2. Hunt Pilot > 12341000
  3. Route Partition > Working_Hours_PRT
  4. Hunt List > Working_Hours_HuntList
  5. Save

Creating a Hunt Pilot for Non Working Hours

  1. Go to Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Hunt Pilot
  2. Hunt Pilot > 12341000
  3. Route Partition > Non_Working_Hours_PRT
  4. Hunt List > Non_Working_Hours_HuntList
  5. Save

Note : Ensure that your Gateway Inbound Calling Search Space has reachability to Working_Hours_PRT and Non_Working_Hours_PRT

We are done with the configuration. It’s time to test the configuration by dialing 12341000 from PSTN.

3 thoughts on “Cisco Time of Day Call Routing CUCM”

  1. Pingback: UCCX Simple Time of Day Call Routing

  2. Srinivas Duraisamy

    Hi Avinash,

    Greetings of the day !!!

    Please let me know your contact number or call me back on the phone number 9810427103


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