Configure Cisco CUBE SIP Options Ping

Configure Cisco CUBE SIP Options Ping

Recently i was asked to configure SIP Options Ping on CUBE so that the link/trunk status can be monitored on CUBE. When this feature is enabled, CUBE will periodically send an OPTIONS Request to the destination IP Address configured on CUBE to determine its reachability and will send calls only to reachable nodes.

I am aware of two ways of implementing SIP Options Ping on CUBE.

  1. Using Dial-Peers.
  2. Using Server Group Class

Configure SIP Options Ping on CUBE using Dial-Peers:

Here is the sample configuration of SIP Options Ping on CUBE using Dial-Peers

Router(config)#dial-peer voice 41300 voip

Router(config-dial-peer)#destination-pattern 4[1-3]..

Router(config-dial-peer)# session protocol sipv2

Router(config-dial-peer)# session target ipv4:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
(Replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with CUCM IP Address)

Router(config-dial-peer)# voice-class sip options-keepalive up-interval 30

Router(config-dial-peer)# voice-class sip pass-thru content sdp

Router(config-dial-peer)# dtmf-relay sip-kpml rtp-nte

Router(config-dial-peer)# no vad

Once the above commands are configured you can see the SIP Options Ping status by issuing the following command: “show dial-peer voice summary

If the status is busyout, that means CUBE is unable to reach the IP Address defined in the dial-peer. In above example, CUBE is unable to reach IP Address.

If the status is active, that means CUBE is able to reach the IP Address defined in the dial-peer. In above example, CUBE is able to reach IP Address.

Configure SIP Options Ping on CUBE using Server Group Class:

Here is the sample configuration of SIP Options Ping on CUBE using Server Group Class

Router(config)#voice class server-group 1

Router(config-class)#ipv4 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX preference 1

Router(config-class)#ipv4 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX preference 2

(Replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with IP Address of CUCM/VG/CUBE Primary, Secondary which you would like to monitor)

Router(config-class)#dial-peer voice 41300 voip

Router(config-class)#destination-pattern 4[1-3]..

Router(config-class)#session protocol sipv2

Router(config-dial-peer)#session server-group 1

Router(config-dial-peer)#voice-class sip options-keepalive profile 1

Router(config-dial-peer)# voice-class sip pass-thru content sdp

Router(config-dial-peer)# dtmf-relay sip-kpml rtp-nte

To verify status of each server in the server group, issue the command “show voice class sip-options-keepalive 1

To verify the dial-peer status, issue the command “show dial-peer voice summary

Hope this helps!

2 thoughts on “Configure Cisco CUBE SIP Options Ping”

  1. Claudio Quiroz Cabello


    What´s the difference between doing normal PING to the next hope against SIP Options Ping?
    Does the busyout status mean busy PSTN/Proxy?

  2. Alex Kulinchenko

    Hey Avinash!

    Great post, thank you! Would you happen to know what the default response timers are that determine whether the link is up or down? Are they configurable? The reason for my question is because I’m dealing with a CUBE at a very remote location that is reachable only via satellite. The average latency is around 800ms, and sometimes goes over 1 sec. As a result, the “option-keepalive” is marking the trunk as “busyout” every so often. High latency challenges with media traffic aside (the customer is used to “walkie-talkie” styled conversations), is there a way to monitor reachability of the remote dial peer by configuring “options-keepalive” to accept responses that come over, say, 1200ms later?

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