Unrestricted String is Empty – Error in CUCM Installation

Unrestricted String is Empty – Error in CUCM Installation

Recently i was working on a migration of CUCM from 8.X to 10.X using PCD and i faced an error as “Unrestricted String is Empty” and i had to restart with the installation again and again. I did the installation thrice assuming that the error may wipe out and it will proceed further but no luck. Below is how i resolved the issue.

  1. Logged into 8.X Cisco Unified Communication Manager and verified Database Replication which was broken. I fixed the replication issue first.
  2. Deleted the OVA and re-deployed the OVA.
  3. Deleted the task and discovery information from PCD.
  4. Rediscovered 8.X Cluster and created a task again. Started with the migration and it went successful.

Hope this helps!!

2 thoughts on “Unrestricted String is Empty – Error in CUCM Installation”

    1. Hello,
      No, in my case publisher reboot was not required. If still you are unable to proceed without rebooting the Publisher, try to reboot it off business hours.

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